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Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Setting menu Wordpress Writing

Setting menu Wordpress Writing - When previously been written about how to setting the general menu wordpress, wordpress that will then guide in writing this time is on its way wordpress writing setting menu.
Setting menu Wordpress Writing
Here are the steps how to set the menu in wordpress writing:

  1.      Please login to the admin area of ​​your wordpress blog.
  2.      Highlight the Settings menu on the left bottom of your screen, after leaving sub menu, select menu Writing.
  3.      Please fill out the form provided in accordance with your wishes and end with the click Save Changes.
         Size of the post box: This is to set the default size of the high post editor, the larger the number the higher the post editor display (page to make a post).
         Formatting: You can check if you want it. Convert emoticons like :-) and:-P to graphics on display: if you write the symbols in the emoticon will be directly converted into the form of an emoticon. WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically: that if you enter an invalid XHTML format, it will automatically be corrected. Kang Rohman himself always check both of these options.
         Default Post Category: Select the main category you want. You can change from Uncategorized to another category, but first you must make prior daulu category name in the Categories menu.
         Default Link Category: default select the desired link. If you want any other options, you must first create a link category.
         Mail Server, Login Name, Password, Default Mail Category: This is optional if you want to be posting via email, if not leave it alone should not be changed.
         Atom Publishing Protocol, XML-RPC: the tick if you want to use other software to post articles, sample post.

setting menu writing

using Windows Live Writer (WLW).

4.  Completed.

Quite easy is not it?

Hopefully this guide on how to set menu wordpress writing this there is little benefit for those of you who read it.

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