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Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

General Setting menu Wordpress

General Setting menu wordpress - When Kang Rohman create a blog using wordpress, the first thing done after the blog was made ​​to the settings on the Settings menu, because this is an important thing that will affect the blog.

In the Settings menu there is a sub menu is the menu General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Privacy, and Permalinks. The menus is exactly what should be set in such a way as to conform to our wishes as owner of the blog.
menu settings wordpress

General Setting menu Wordpress
In this article wordpress guide, I try to write how to setting or a setting on the General tab. Here's how the General menu settings in detail:
Please login to the admin area of ​​your wordpress blog.

  1.      Highlight the Settings menu on the left of your screen take, after leaving sub menu, select General.
  2.      Please fill out the form provided in accordance with your wishes and end with the click Save Changes.
  •          Site Title: Fill in the title of your blog. Example: Free Wordpress Complete
  •          Tagline: Fill in a description of the blog you want. Example: One step more easily create a blog with wordpress
  •          WordPress Address (URL): By default will populate your wordpress domain name without the www, for example, it means that your blog while on the go with www or without www will redirect to the address without the www. If you want to access your blog using the www, then replace the domain with www, example:
  •          Site Address (URL): Fill in the same domain as the contents of the WordPress Address (URL).
  •          E-mail Address: fill in your email address.
  •          Membership: tick mark on the small box beside Anyone can register when writing other people can sign up for your blog. However, generally for a personal blog feature is not enabled, so let it be unchecked.
  •          New User Default Role: select as expected, this effect only if the feature is activated Anyone can register.
  •          Timezone: fill in your desired time zone. Example: for the time zone is UTC +7 jakarta.
  •          Date Format: select the date format you want.
  •          Time Format: select the time format you want.
 general settings
  •  Week Starts On: select the desired first day.

 3.    General menu settings is complete.

To other menu settings will be published in subsequent articles.

Hopefully this article on how Wordpress General menu settings can be helpful for those of you who are looking for this information.

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