Additional Info About Menu permalinks
Common settingsHere please select the permalink structure is preferable, but are suggested not to use the structure or Numeric Default. A
good permalink structure that contains Post Name or title of the Post,
is closely related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in the future
Custom StructureWordPress
provides flexibility for us in determining the desired permalink
structure, it is manifest from the Custom Structure (Structure of Self).
Permalinks Custom Structure is a structure as desired users. Some of the format structure that is often used by the bloggers:
Post Title
/% Postname% /
custom structureThe output of the above structure is:
For example if you have the title of this blog post Wordpress Permalinks Setting Menu, then permalinknya address is:
Post subject categories plus
/% Category% /% postname% /
The output of the above structure is:
example if you have the title of this blog post How Privacy Settings
menu, and name of the category is a wordpress user, then the result is:
Suffix. Html
/% Postname%. Html
The output of the above structure is:
For example if you have the title of this blog post: How to Install Wamp Server, then the result is:
Suffix. Php
/% Postname%. Php
The output of the above structure is:
For example if you have the title of this blog post: How to Install Xampp, then the result is:
Plus Post Title KeywordIf you have your target keywords, you can insert into a permalink to make it more SEO friendly. For instance the keywords you want more on the SEO's are Download:
/ Download-songs /% postname% /
The output of the above structure is:
For example if this blog post has a title of address False Ayu Ting Ting, the result is:
And many permalink structure you can create yourself.
Category BasePermalink category base is the address for the category (categories). By default, the address is a permalink to category
Example, if this blog has a category name WordPress Guide, the permalink for the category is
If your blog has a specific topic, eg about food recipes. You can enter a keyword such as the base category for permalink more SEO. Then the permalink category will be changed to:
Example, if this blog had a name typical Sundanese food categories, the permalink for the category is:
Tag BaseTag is the base address for the tag permalink. By default, the permalink for the tag address is:, if this blog tag has an install xampp, the permalink for the tag is:
Permalink this tag if you want more SEO frienly, it can be changed with the desired keywords, for example: Free blogThen the permalink tag will be changed to:
Example, if this blog has a name tag Install Xampp, the permalink for the tag is:
again you have to remember, change permalink should only be done once
in a lifetime and do that too early to make blog posts and the number is
still small.
Hopefully this article wordpress permalinks menu setting useful to you.
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