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Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Alternative Sex position; Variations Femoral Intercourse

Many variations can be used as alternative sexual intercourse to refresh for each pair. Sexual variety is usually necessary to overcome the monotony of sexual activities that take place. One sexual activity that can be selected include the variation of sex is called Femoral Intercourse.

Some people may still feel strange going to mention this. But, of course, if practiced would not be difficult to do. Sex variation is not relying on the penetration hole Miss V. The position of lay men and women like to do the missionary position. The difference is, women straighten the legs and feet with tightly pursed. Position of one foot is placed on the other foot. Thus, there is no gap between her thighs.

Then, the man thrust his penis into the female crotch. Of course, to provide lubrication in order for more slick and easy in and out access. Place your penis just below the position of Miss V, that if Mr P moves, the 'Miss V' will be able to feel the erotic movements made ​​by Mr P. Movement in and out, will be able to provide a unique sensation of your man to the couple.

Here, the female partner must support the launches of sexual activity. Also do more to provide the sensation of stimulation over the activity. For example, the fondling and others. Instead, the women's movement and help stimulate arousal in men.

To be your man get enough stimulation, you like to give stimulus fondling and licking. As such, will further add tremendous sensation in both partners. This sex variation, it can be a fun alternative for men. Up in the absence of vaginal penetration though, he can get the sensation of sex that is not less great.

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