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Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Reading Wordpress Setting menu

Reading Wordpress Setting menu - Continuing the previous article writing wordpress setting menu, the next step is reading the menu setting wordpress. Reading the menu is not much that should be set, but sometimes it is required in certain circumstances.

Reading Wordpress Setting menu

Here are the steps how to set wordpress Reading menu:

  1.      Please login to the admin area of ​​your wordpress blog.
  2.      Highlight the Settings menu on the left bottom of your screen, after leaving sub menu, select menu Writing.
  3.      Please fill out the form provided or select according to your wishes and end with the click Save Changes.
  •          Front page displays: Choose Your view latest posts when the front page (home page) of your blog post is sorted from most recent / latest. Select A static page (select below) if the look of your blog is the front page of static pages, specify the desired pages.
  •          Blog pages show at most: write down the number of posts you want to appear on the homepage.
  •          Syndication feeds show the most recent: Write the number for the delivery of feed.
  •          For each article in a feed, show: This applies to feed, if elected Full text of the article is sent through the feed full article, but if it is selected then the feed delivered Summary is a summary only, not the full article.
  •          Encoding for pages and feeds: Should not be changed, let alone the UTF-8.

menu reading

Additional Info About Menu ReadingFront page displaysYour latest post option in select general if your wordpress blog is created to serve a regular blog, not an online store, selling products or services.
A static page option is selected is generally used for that purpose in the wordpress blog use as an online store selling products or services sertda. Theme for theme-specific, sometimes made custom templates for pages that display the front page looks exactly like the website later to sell.
Blog pages show at mostDetermine the number of posts on the front page at first glance seems trivial, but this is a pretty vital. In determining the number of posts will be featured on the front page you have to be consistent, keep the numbers that you write will never be changed back. If at any time you change the number, then there will be lots of broken links (broken link), this occurs when the number of posts you have lots and exceeds the number that appears on the front page.
Remember, if the number of posts has been a lot of it will display the link is usually called the Next Post and Previous Post or for the use of Page Navi plugin looks to be the number 1, 2, 3, 4 ff. Each page has its own link, eg:
And these links are generally in the index by google. So, if you change the number of post-ngubah on the front page, it will also change the composition of the number of pages, can be increased or decreased. If reduced, would be considered a broken link by google, and if you use google webmaster tools, there will appear an error about the broken link.
Be aware though, that the broken links in large quantities can aggravate kualiatas your blog in the eyes of search engines, especially google. Therefore, it would be nice if you start thinking of how many posts will be featured, and will not change it again in the future.
Hopefully reading the article wordpress menu setting can be useful for those of you who do not know.

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