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Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Top 7 Causes of Stress

In life there would be a problem to be faced, which will often make a person unable to cope. If you have this, it would definitely be stressful. "According to research, a person can receive up to a threshold stress score of 200," said Rustika Thamrin, SPSI, CHt, CI, MTLT, psychologists of UB's Women and Children Hospital, told Compass Female, in Thamrine Nine, Central Jakarta, some time ago.
According to the Holmes-Rahe standards Stress Scale, there are several issues that make a person slumped due to the high score threshold stress. "The cause of the highest stress score was the death of a partner," added Rustika.
You want to know what are the causes of stress and stress levels?
1. Death of spouseLost someone very dear and beloved for life has a score of 100. If not treated it can cause a person to become stressed, and may be taking it in the act of suicide as a very deep sense of loss.
2. DivorceDivorce causes stress in your incised score 73 points. Split with a partner to keep the issue alive can make a person sad, hopeless, and even keep a sense of revenge. Even if the divorce is done well, but the divorce will still be traumatic for a person's own.
3. DistanceFor a married couple should live separately with their own family also raises pressures in life. This can cause stress score as many as 65.
4. The detention periodServing his sentence and should be locked up in prison to make more people become stressed, where the pressure level of 63.
5. Death of close relativesLosing a close family member's death makes many people upset and felt unable to accept the breakup. Compassion for the family who passed away will leave memories that will be easy in that sense of hurt. It is located in the top five with a stress scale for 63.
6. Severe painSevere and severe disease can make people become increasingly stressed. In addition to the number of treatment should be started (so it requires patience and strength in living), the absence of strong expectations of the patient will increasingly make itself mired in grief. The stress level at this stage there are on a scale of 53.
7. MarriageAlthough the actual wedding is a joyous thing, but a challenge to start a new life together will also cause pressure on the couple separate. Sense of surprise and shock a new approach to life stress often makes attack on newlyweds. They were not prepared for the adjustments to each other in no time. Weddings can be stressful to make orabng level 50.
In addition to the seventh highest cause of stress problems above, there are some other life changes that also cause stress, such as retirement, pregnancy, sexual problems, changes in business, until the family's financial problems.

 Source : dechacare

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