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Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

The size refers to the image size settings on the media menu. Hopefully this guide wordpress media menu setting is useful for those of you who read.

Setting Menu Media Wordpress

Media Wordpress fig Setting Menu - The spirit of ya write about wordpress guide. Wordpress is a flat form like Kang Rohman than Blogger. Have previously written about how the setting menu discussion, now goes to the Media menu setting.

Actually not too much to be regulated in the Media menu, Kang Rohman usually leave the default settings or the original default.

Setting Menu Media Wordpress

Here are the steps how to set the media menu in wordpress:

  1.      Please login to the admin area of ​​your wordpress blog.
  2.      Highlight the Settings menu on the left bottom of your screen, after leaving sub menu, select the Media menu.
  3.       Please fill out the form provided or select according to your wishes and end with the click Save Changes.  
  •        Thumbnail size: If you want the change, please change the size (in pixels) to determine the size of the thumbnail images.
  •          Medium size: If you want the change, please change the size (in pixels) to determine the size of the image medium.
  •          Large size: If you want the change, please change the size (in pixels) to determine the image size Large.
  •          Auto-embeds: please tick or not.
  •          Embed Maximum size: If you want the change, please change the value as desired.
  •          Store uploads in this folder: If you want to change the folder to upload please the media change, but the default is usually left alone.
  •          Full URL path to files: Normally it is left blank.
  •          Organize my uploads into month-and year-based folders: If you want to upload files sorted by month and year, let terceklis.

menu media 

4.   Completed.

Additional Info About Menu Media

From the name, menu of media influence on the storage media including drawing file in wordpress. Thumbnail size settings, size Medium, and Large size, this will affect the size of the image when it will be in put into the post editor before being published. When we would enter the picture, wordpress will be presenting options to choose the Thumbnail, Media, Large, and Full Size.

ukuran gambar wordpress

The size refers to the image size settings on the media menu.

Hopefully this guide wordpress media menu setting is useful for those of you who read.

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