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Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Observe and Analyze Niche Website and using the Alexa

Observe and Analyze Niche Website and using the Alexa
Go to alexa dot com or

1. Click the Top Sites

there you can check your website highly ranked in the World
or a country in the world we can see there is google, facebook etc.
then we can also check the site's ranking in each country
because usually ranked World and ranked in a different country
depending on the trend of the country concerned

2. Alexa Site Info

Sites now with this info we can use the ATM Concept
ie look at the other to your desired situs2 ago
kira2 how you can look for their promotion

I cite here in Figure (ebook) wikipedia is a Website
very popular in the world if you scrooldown down
to the Regional Traffic rank you will see that
wikipedia on its traffic Indonesia has a sequence different from other countries

2.1 Reputation / Sites Links in
nah Adha may click the numbers at sites links in there, then there will be seen
Situs2 whichever affords ^ ^ Links to Wikipedia, many khan
just imagine if your site has many links as it

2.2 Search Analytics
Then click on the Tabs search analitycs (ebook image)
This is where the tools are the tools that I like most
because the search analytics tools, we know what keywords2
our site is popular, let's say you want to create a website
about the book store you can use the concept of ATM (Highly Modified Echoes)
with how to use searc Analytics on how alexa
Simply go to the bookstore website elbow
Popular on and then click Search analyticsnya ^ ^ bingo
then you will get very popular keywords and then stay
optimization is your keyword in google.

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