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Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Reduce Impaired Children's Teeth Growing Today

Dentition of children beginning at age 6-8 months. Only, it grows new teeth that sometimes accompanied by other symptoms, making the process far less fun for children.

Generally, when the tooth grows, the child becomes difficult to sleep. Sometimes even symptoms of fever, nausea, or diarrhea. Occasionally appear on the gums itch like push objects result in a child anything in his mouth.

Not to mention if his gums swell. Children can be fussy and even loss of appetite or drinking. At these disorders arise, parents can do as suggested ways Prof. Melanie Sadono Djamil, as quoted from his book, "The Dentist? Who's Afraid!"

1. Distract the child. Provide an easy thing bitten, something hard or cold. Cold objects may help relieve discomfort. While chewing hard objects will help accelerate the eruption or teething.

2. Apply a gel or ointment that can give a sense of local immune and can reduce the discomfort. Conditions that will help when the child will eat.

3. Massage gums with clean fingers of children. This method aims to reduce pain.

4. Provision of biscuits is not the right choice. Sugar content in biscuits can cause dental caries or tooth decay, especially if there is already a growing teeth first.

 Source : dechacare

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