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Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

7 Ways to Overcome Shy Child

ika your child is really shy, do not ever melabelnya, because it will make getting a child's shyness. Remember, the child will behave according to what is labeled. You can contribute to minimize the child's shyness.
Previously, parents need to do is figure out, what causes it and in what circumstances such a shy child. Is it only when outside the home, in certain situations, and so forth. That way, parents have accurate data prior to tackle the cause.
Furthermore, a number of ways parents can do this:
1. Teach children to behave, behave, and even bertata diverse manners in certain situations. How she learned to start a conversation by greeting friends. For example, ask about, praised, or a snack to share carries. After the first communication went well, children can learn to raise topics that are hot or a favorite child.
2. Give children a training that he was skilled at speaking in front of crowds or the public, begins by speaking in front of the mirror and in front of his parents and siblings at home.
3. Teach also that he can lead by giving him the duties and responsibilities, such as leading prayer in the classroom.
4. Encourage her to be brave and open when the steam express his frustration.
5. Parents give an example, how to become a person who is confident and bold, so that children can emulate. While at the restaurant, then do not get the food to order, for example, parents dare to ask the waiter to replace it.
6. Create a safe environment for children, so children do not feel anxious or afraid to be blamed, ridiculed, scolded, and so forth.
7. Help your child make her feel comfortable with her feelings, it also helps foster a sense of confidence with a variety of skills.
When the parents felt it was the maximum but still not managed to change the nature of shy children, there is no harm in asking for expert help. That way, potential and social skills of children is not compromised due to excessive shyness.

 Source : dechacare

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