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Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

5 Sports Generation Sex Passion

In addition to maintaining fitness and health, sports and physical exercise is also known to help improve your sex drive and mate. When exercising, your body releases endorphins that create the sensation of happiness. In addition to the body to be fit, happy, regular exercise can also make you release your inner sexy aura. Want to know what sport would send "sexy aura" is? 

1. Belly dancing 
Physical exercise is focused on the suitability of setting to music with movement and canting of the body, from hips to stomach. Although belly dancing has evolved since the past centuries, but its popularity as one type of physical exercise has evolved in the past year. Belly dancing is going to tighten the muscles of the body, hips, and thighs.With regular practice you can get a beautiful body and sexy. Ultimately, the fit and toned body will increase your energy and confidence so you feel more comfortable in front of your partner.2. Dance of kama sutra
 Kama sutra is an ancient Indian texts that focus on love, sex, and sesualitas in everyday life. Hemalayaa, a Yogini and instructor of classical Indian dance, uniting the idea of ​​kama sutra in a dance called the kama sutra dance.This dance is focused on creating awareness of the body in a simple way to way to stretch your body with the sensual. This is probably referring to steps to attract the attention of couples making love. This dance is like a glimpse of Bollywood-style dance that combined with aerobic and music, allowing the whole body to move. This dance can also burn calories.3. Aerobics 
Although seen commonly done, but it turns out aerobics can make you sweat more quickly, as well as train your cardiovascular strength. This exercise focuses on the mobilization of the whole body and using low impact cardio. If able to do aerobics at home, let alone the kind of strip aerobics but without using any type of aerobic clothing. It aims to sharpen the sense of confidence and enhance sex appeal to couples, regardless of shape or size of your body. The practitioners felt that this exercise is designed to give pleasure and help women to get a beautiful body as well as sexual gratification.4. Pole dancing 
Pole dancing is a dance that is usually done by the stripper. But the actual dance performed by using the pole is classified as a sport that requires muscle strength and flexibility. Therefore, this dance is now also go to the gym, as one of the training offered. To be sure, the pole dancing workout you'll get a nice body and tight.To do this dance, you need physical strength because you have to "work together" with a pole that serves as an aid to your workout. Pole dancing can burn that many calories if taken seriously, and help shape the body to be more sexy, especially in the upper body. In addition, doing this dance will also make you feel more sexy in front of your partner.5. Zumba
 Zumba fitness is included in the type of which is inspired by Latin dance. Zumba combines elements of dance and aerobics moves, such as choreography hip hop, samba, salsa, mambo, martial arts, or dance to Bollywood belly dancing. By using the music tempo a little faster, Zumba can make you sweat and burn calories.

Source : dechacare

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