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Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

WordPress Backup With Time Machine wp

Just to remind wrote, backup data is very important blog you do regularly, because the incidence of fatal (missing data) are very likely to occur at any time.

To perform a backup of data you can actually do this from your hosting control panel, but in my opinion is less cumbersome way. If using a wordpress plugin WP DB Backup your data can only database backups only, while other important data such as image files, plugins and themes do not come terbackup.

Well, if you want to do a complete backup wordpress blog and you can automatically use the wordpress plugin called wp Time Machine. To use the plugin you also have to register to the Dropbox website. Picture of how it works roughly as follows:

     WordPress plugin wp running Time Machine
     wp Time Machine will generate a backup file for the database, the entire contents of wp-content folder (which contains the plugins, themes, and upload files including images)
     wp Time Machine will send all the backup file to the Dropbox
     Additional options, you can synchronize your computer with Dropbox.

Backup WordPress Dengan wp Time Machine
 Jika Anda tertarik untuk mencoba wp Time Machine, Anda bisa download di sini.

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