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Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

What's new in WordPress 3.3 "Sonny"

What's new in WordPress 3.3 "Sonny"


WordPress 3.3 is the most updated version of WordPress which is issued by the code name "Sonny". Sonny is taken from the name of a saxophonist Sonny Stitt / famous jazz musician, WordPress gives Sonny's name as well as respect for these musicians.

Make friends who have not upgraded to the last version of WordPress can do from the Dashboard or download directly here. This article actually made ​​a little late, considering that WordPress has been a long update to version 3.3, but it would not hurt if I am going to discuss some new things with the WordPress code name was Sonny.

Upload Media with Drag and Drop

WordPress version uses a new way to upload media that is by "drag and drop"! These new features simplify the upload files (images, video, flash, pdf, rar, 7z etc). Uploaded using drag and drop will be much easier and speed things up compared to how long the browser should continue to look for the folder and file location of the file. Make friends who use gmail service may not be peculiar to this new feature of WordPress. This feature can not walk on let alone an older version of Internet Explorer (but I'm sure that reading this article has no use IE).

Wordpress gives you the option to upload the old way, just switch only choice for users who are less happy with this feature.

Improvements in User Dashboard

This is one of the improvements that result from the beautiful WordPress 3.3. In the Dashboard you can use a beautiful combination between the admin and the admin header bar. Remove the option to turn off and put it on the exhaust header admin of setting WordPress.

Now more and more WordPress users who manage their WordPress with iPad or other gadgets with touch screen, and WordPress is now better supports the touch. In addition to the features that touch on the increasingly perfected, WordPress Dashboard is also easy to use in devices with different screen. Dashboard direct users to adjust the screen size.

Ever find it difficult when I had to click multiple times to look for a menu in WordPress Dashboard? Now no need to bother anymore about this, to look for one of the menu now you just fly out or on mouse over on one of the menu continues to look sub menu.

Improvements in User Experience

If you are inexperienced users do not get confused with the WordPress Dashboard, WordPress User Experience design and navigation aid that is easy to understand and use.

User Experience is helping to change anything and everything from WordPress to add are the WordPress version of this, we might see some kind of "Feature Tour" on the Dashboard.
When you've finished installing WordPress and go to the dashboard for the first time or when you've finished upgrading WordPress version we will be faced on the Welcome Screen. The contents of the Welcome Screen is quite helpful for users who are not familiar with the WordPress Dashboard.
Improvements to the Tools Importer

Create a Tumblr users who want to move content / blogs to WordPress WordPress now provides tools for you. Importnya way too simple live input account information and password and then import your tumblr. It is easy to do.

Those are some changes in WordPress 3.3 "Sonny", now how to change your opinion of this? Is the job easier when blogging or managing a website or even make you care? : please leave a comment below.
may be useful :D

Source : kongcreate

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