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Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Pure Acai Berry,, Max MAXimum Potency Acai Berry

Pure Acai Berry Max

MAXimum Potency Acai Berry

Incubationer LTD

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Category:   Health and Beauty

Description:   Acai Berry has long been marketed as a dietary supplement and is known for its antioxidant properties - a super fruit that can turbo charge your weight loss efforts.

Pure Acai Berry Max is unlike any other Acai Berry product on the market, offering 1500mg of high grade Acai Berry per serving, making it the highest yield Acai Berry product on the market today.

With a 6 month guarantee and containing all natural ingredients, is set to become the most popular Acai Berry product on the market.

Incubationer LTD

Incubationer LTD

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