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Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Maqui Berry

iNet Squared Ltd

Category :   Weight Loss

Description :   The Maqui Berry, found in Patagonia, has been found to contain the highest concentration of antioxidants and anthocyanins than any other fruit.

The Maqui has inflammatory properties, as well as COX-2 inhibitors and anti-microbial property, meaning that it destroys or inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungi and viruses in addition to having outstanding levels of antioxidents. Known locally for centuries, the Marqui Berry has only recently introduced to the global market. Following the success of Acai Berry, scientists have begin to search the weight loss potential of other fruits.
While the Maqui berry had benefits discovered by respectable labs, it was the exposure through media outlets that really enhanced its popularity. Maqui Berry has several unique benefits among which are that it promotes weight loss, protects against premature aging, increases energy levels, supports both the immune and cardiovascular systems; and because of its high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, it neutralizes free radicals in the body.

iNet Squared Ltd

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