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Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Make All links open in a new tab

  Make all links open in a new tab, links to a blog or a website is very important point, namely that the reader still has access to a referral page where he found a new link is clicked. In addition, the owner of the blog / website, it is also advantageous because the visitor does not immediately leave our blog / website because of the new window to be opened.

Membuat Semua link terbuka di tab baru

In addition, the link opens in a new tab on the article being read did not disappear replaced by new pages from which the link is clicked by a visitor. fixed readers can read the article until after he saw a reference link contained in the reply post.

Make All links open in a new tab do the following:

  1.      Login to your blogger menu
  2.      click Dashboard
  3.      Choose a layout
  4.      Select Edit Page
  5.      Add Gadget / Add Gadgets => HTML / JavaScript
  6.      Copy the following script

<!-- code for turning all non-blog links to new page links -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var arr = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); //get all links inthe page
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
if(arr[i].href.indexOf(" ") < 0 //not links that are 'inside' blog
&& arr[i].href.indexOf("javascript:") < 0) //not javascript links
arr[i].target = "_blank";

      7.      Replace the red colored paper with your blog URL, Then Do not Forget the Save

Similarly, How To Make All links open in a new tab may be useful,

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