Get Paid To Promote, Get Paid To Popup, Get Paid Display Banner

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

how to register and make money from paid to promote

Paid tο promotes this is one way in which we allow to get $ 5/day only with a free blog and article copy and paste (now I've reached $ 2/day). Paid promotes tο blog is a way of redeemable only by the insertion of iframe code that will become a banner on our blog, and each time the blog is performing, or visit one of our blog (no need to click) people from America, UK, Canada and Australia, we will get the money. if there were 1000 visitors from the four countries we will get $ 4, and $ 2 for 1000 visits from countries Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Nеw Zealand, Spain.

The following guidelines apply to the paid to promote :

1. Click here SIGN UP  

2. fill out the form that has been prepared

 3. after that i guarantee thet click my website content is legal and sign up
 4. completed .

          may be useful ^^

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