Healthy flash computer safe
Many Often Airways are made to secure PenDrive and computer from viruses, and his usual They disable autorun from Their computer so the virus can not execute Them:).
Well, this time I'll share some of Airways Preventing the virus from getting into our computers, or in other words to secure your computer from viruses flash:).
Here are Airways you can use to flash and can secure our computers from viruses:
1. In the first way That this is the most frequently performed, namely with disable autorun.inf, so it is our intent Will not directly execute automatically Pls you plug in the flash. Could be to do this with software (DOWNLOAD) USB Vaccine or (DOWNLOAD) autorun remover.
2. The next way is to use a firewall flash, it is a way of working is this software will from all the programs That Prevent run without us want, so it functions here as a deterrent, DOWNLOAD USB FIREWALL.
3. The third is by using ZIP or RAR, Actually there is the secret behind this RAR and ZIP, so the way it is, We create a folder That We Will call his name "SAFE", and then We zip the folder, and then open the "Windows Explorer -> Tools-> Folder Options-> View-> Then do not / uncheck Hide extensions for known file types", well then zipped folder That We Had been klihatan its extension is. zip, and We erase. zip it, so do not That there are any files can be copied (manually or automatically) to the folder "SAFE" is already in the zip, if not open living continues to add. zip again, make it easy:).
4. The fourth, to Prevent. Exe in the execution, now set this through our computer settings, the way is as follows:
1. "Start" then "Control Panel"
2. "Administrative Tools" then to "Local Security Policy"
3. "Software Restriction Policies" and proceed to "Additional Rules"
4. In the "Additional Rules" right click and select "New Path Rule"
5. In the Path column, Browes We select and select the drive flshdisk We Are Nowhere, for example was on the F:
6. And in the Security Level field, select the Disallowed We
7. OK, and then We restart his computer.
Now try to execute *. exe files on drive F (our flash drives).
5. Apparently a lot of Airways it is also yes:), the fifth is to the make our flash looks as if full, but this is not the way I suggest That less effective, so not have to explain it in:).
Ok, from some of the above I would suggest to use the numbers 1 and 3, Because this way I have Often used, so his core is a flash We Will be safe from its autorun the virus:).
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