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Selasa, 10 April 2012

Post Wordpress HTML Editor

For those who are beginners, many are still confused when they are confronted with HTML and prefer Visual post editor to create an article on wordpress. Post HTML Editor even though a lot of fun if you do intend to learn.

HTML Wordpress Post Editor
Not too many tools are available in HTML Post editor, most likely because the editor is aimed at those that include advanced. Here is a description of the existing tools in Wordpress HTML Editor Post:

To open the post editor page, please divert your attention to the upper left of your computer monitor, then highlight the menu Posts. After exiting the sub menu, select Add New.

tambah post baru

Once the post editor is open, make sure you select HTML mode
 html mode  
Here is a picture and description of existing tools.

html editor tools 
  • b - <strong> </ strong> HTML tag for bold print.
  •      i - <em> </ em> HTML tag for the printing of simple italics.
  •      link - href href=""> </ a> HTML tag to create a hyperlink / link (link).
  •      b-quote - <blockquote> </ blockquote> HTML tags to create a quote.
  •      del - <del> </ del> HTML tag to label text considered removed from the post. Most internet browsers display it as text on paper.
  •      ins - <ins> </ ins> HTML tag to label text considered inserted into posting.Kebanyakan internet browser displays as underlined text.
  •      img - HTML tag to display images.
  •      ul - <ul> </ ul> HTML tag to create a bulleted list.
  •      ol - <ol> </ ol> HTML tag to create a list with numbers.
  •      li - <li> </ li> HTML tag to make a list,
  •      code - <code> </ code> HTML tag for preformatted writing style.
  •      more - <!-more-> WordPress tag for cutting paper / paragraph on the front page.
  •      Lookups - will open a dialog box from javascript, to find information about the meaning of a word derived from the online dictionary
  •      close Tags - To close the opening tag.
  •      fullscreen - To mengaktifkam full image mode (screen fulls). If you are not comfortable with the small editor, can activate the full picture mode.

Hopefully this article useful Wordpress Post Editor HTML for you who like HTML.

How to Post Article on Wordpress

  Conduct a post or publish the article is the most important thing in the process of blogging. Mastering the intricacies of dealing with the post processing is required, because the lack of knowledge can occur any communication between you and the readers.

How to Post Article on Wordpress

Here are the steps for posting the article in wordpress:

* Divert attention to the top left, highlight the menu and select Add New Posts

tambah artikel wordpress

* Enter the title of the article in the form here Enter Title

judul artikel

* After a while, will appear permalink. Permalink is the address that will be created after the article was published, can you change the permalink / edit according to your wishes if it wanted to. Click the edit button, then enter the address you want, simply with the keyword alone because you will be automatically changed. Or it could be through a widget slug at the bottom of the post editor. But this is optional, if you do not want to change it then leave it as is.
edit permalink
* Write an article published in the form to post editing area. Please edit as you like, please read the article about the visual post editor if you do not quite understand tool that can be used.
edit post
* If the articles are not grouped, select the appropriate category in the widget category, or you can create a new category.
  * If you want to have a tag, fill out a new tag or select from existing tags, but this is optional or mandatory (same function as the category tag).
tag wordpress
* Perhartikan also widgets Excerp, Send Trackbacks, Custom fileds, Discussion and Author, you might want to fill it or change it.

* Get used to view the Preview before you are absolutely sure to publish the article. Preview the look of your article before it was published, just click the Preview button to do so. If you're really sure wish the article is published, click the Publish button.

 * Done.

Hopefully this article on How to Post Article on Wordpress is beneficial to you.

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Tips to Overcome Body Odor

This time I will give you tips / ways to address and treat body odor.

Prior to drug deodorizing body, it helps you know in advance the causes of body odor, so that in the treatment process becomes more leverage. Due to odor problems in the body can not take for granted. In that sense, this body odor can make sufferers become lost confidence and feel inferior.

According to Wikipedia, or bromhidrosis Body odor is the smell of bacteria / germs in the body. The bacteria are rapidly increasing in number due to the presence of sweat, so sweating becomes excessive and the decomposition of the skin cells off. But sweat itself is odorless.
After knowing the cause, now let's make traditional medicine to treat body odor:


  •      Flower Boxwood 15 grams.
  •      Enough Sugar Stone.
  •      600 cc of water.

Boil all ingredients in 600 cc of water, until the remaining 300 cc. Once cool, strain the mixture of water and drink 3 times a day.

Additional tips:

  • Eat at least one handheld basil leaves per day.
  • Apply cucumber slices after every shower in the armpits and other body parts that smell.
  • Always maintain a healthy weight, it is recommended for more frequent bathing and wiping the sweat of the body that often.
  • Armpit hair should be cleaned / shaved to avoid moisture and odors trigger.
  • Replace sweaty clothing with dry clothing and clean.
  • Increase consumption of fiber foods and low in calories such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Reduce spicy foods, fatty foods and coffee (with caffeine).
  • Shaped wear deodorant spray.

How to Overcome Dental Reef

Tartar (plaque) is the crust of bacteria and sticky colorless layer (sometimes hardened) are formed between the teeth with gums meetings. This plaque causes decay and gum disease.

Tartar is generally located at the gum line (supragingival), could also get into the gap between the teeth and gums (subgingival). Usually like white coral-yellow to yellow-green one.
The formation of tartar (dental calculus) can indeed be prevented, because basically calculus is plaque (dental droppings) are hardened because of mineral buildup that comes from oral fluids and food / beverage. So when you clean your teeth properly and regularly, particularly in between teeth, the plaque will harden thoroughly before already.

Tips to reduce tartar formation:
The first is to diligently maintain the cleanliness of the teeth, by brushing your teeth at least twice a day is really where all the parts brushed the teeth clean. Also do not forget to gently rub the gums gently. For the maxilla gum, toothbrush movement from top to bottom, and for the mandibular gum toothbrush movement from the bottom up.

In addition to reducing the formation of tartar above, here I will give you tips to overcome tartar naturally, as for how the berkut:

- Java Beans acid (to taste).

Roasted (fried without oil) tamarind seeds, then pounded or mashed in a way in blender. Rub the tamarind seed that has been refined such that there is a reef in the teeth using a cotton swab or toothbrush.

In addition to tips and how to cope with tartar above, usahankan you visit your dentist regularly.

Hopefully a natural remedy to address the tartar can be useful for you!

Tips For White Teeth and Healthy


Here are some Tips / How To White Teeth and Healthy :
1. Easy and simple way to take care of your teeth remain white is brushing three times a day and after every meal. But be careful in brushing teeth. Do not be too hard because it can actually make the tooth abrasion and damage. More good use an electric toothbrush and set the time to brush your teeth for two minutes.
2. Strawberry is the fruit of a very special teeth whitening. It's easy. Mash strawberries and stick it on all your teeth with a finger. Let stand for one to two minutes. After that brush your teeth with a thorough clean.
3. Use a toothpaste that acts as a whitener. Usually a model like this toothpaste sold in the market. But of course it took quite a long time and very intensive treatment to get maximum results. Now most of the toothpaste has been using enzymes and chemical formulas, so you need not hesitate to consume toothpaste berpemutih.
4. Take care of before already become corrupted. Use a straw when you drink coffee, tea, soft drinks and red wine. Thus, the drink was in the teeth directly. These drinks are usually the cause of tooth decay is very strong.
5. The easiest and quickest but will cost more is by bleaching or whitening. Models of this kind of dental care is widely available in the dental clinic and beauty clinic. Such treatments can last for two to three years. But still, after the bleaching, you should keep food and beverages consumed.
6. A number of substances can be attached to your teeth with ease. Therefore you have to stain your teeth or prevents the formation of plaque. Use broccoli, lettuce or spinach to prevent it. Vegetables proved very effective for preventing the affairs of tooth stains.
7. Multiply to consume foods that act as natural teeth whitener. Examples of fruits and vegetables. Natural materials are quite effective for cleaning the teeth of them: apples, carrots and celery. [Bibbong / kaskus]

How to Overcome Bad Breath

Ever have problems with bad breath? Certainly makes you less confident it!

Actually, what causes bad breath?

Bad breath (halitosis) can arise from irregular teeth cleaning activities. It could also be a sign of serious health problems, such as liver, stomach, respiratory tract and acute kidney. While dental disease cause bad breath include tooth decay, gingivitis, gingivitis because plaque, and periodontitis. Bad breath can also arise because of the food you eat and other unhealthy habits, like smoking.

How to cure bad breath?

The easiest way to eliminate bad breath, of course, be diligent in cleaning the teeth, especially after eating. Because after 30 minutes was not eating, mouth acidity increases because the residual acid is not removed. In addition to maintaining oral health, here are some tips to overcome bad breath :

  •      Increase consumption of water.
  •      Increase consumption of fruits such as apples mouth odor repellent, yam and carrots.
  •      Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  •      Check into your dentist at least six months.
The following are additional ways to cure bad breath naturally:
ingredients :
- Cloves (3-5 seeds)
- Water (to taste)

usage :
Take 3-5 cloves flower seeds. Pour boiling enough water for about 5 minutes, then chill. Use this water to rinse.

Hopefully all the tips to overcome the above and eliminate bad breath can be useful for those of you who have bad breath odors.

How to Install Digital Clock in Blog

Digital clock mounted on the sidebar of the blog will automatically make the reader know the time when he reads your article, blog like a house, and the clock on the blog as well as the clock is installed at home, so by installing a digital clock on the blog will make your blog look more beautiful .

Cara Memasang Jam Digital di Blog,jam digital di blog

This time I'll give the script for the digital clock on the blog, In addition to beautiful, its clock also read. Those who want to install this beautiful day on the blog, please copy the code below and please paste in place that you want to install. here's the script.

 <embed height="40" pluginspage="" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="120" wmode="transparent"></embed>

Well, please put it in your blog. hopefully added cool blog, hopefully useful :)

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